COVID-19 and Its Impact on At-Risk Individuals
Covid-19 and Its Impact on At-risk Individuals: Embracing A Disability Inclusive Response Introduction It is no breaking news anymore that the world has been ravaged by a deadly virus termed…
COVID-19: Policemen Brutalize Visually Impaired Lawyer
ALDIN has been reliably informed that Kassim Lawal Esq., a visually impaired lawyer, the Abuja Chairman of Association of Lawyers with Disabilities in Nigeria (ALDIN), and member of the Unity…
Advocacy Visit to National Industrial Court
Association of Lawyers with Disabilities in Nigeria (ALDIN) had an engagement with the President and other top officials of the National Industrial Court (NIC). This is part of ALDIN's project…
Advocacy Visit to ECOWAS Court
The delegates of Association of Lawyers with Disabilities in Nigeria (ALDIN) had very fruitful engagements with the President of the ECOWAS Court, Hon. Justice Edward Asampte on Thursday, 23rd of…
Disability Inclusion in the NBA
ALDIN has been striving to open up the space in the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) for lawyers with disabilities. Consequent on ALDIN’s consistent advocacy, there is being an evolving culture…
Make public buildings, courts accessible to persons with disabilities
The Association of Lawyers with Disabilities in Nigeria, on Tuesday, February 4, 2020, appealed to the Enugu State Government to make public buildings, courts in the state accessible to persons…
ALDIN Harps on Implementation of Disability Act
International Day for Disabled Persons: ALDIN Harps on Implementation of Disability Act Mr Daniel Onwe, President of the Association of Lawyers with Disabilities in Nigeria (ALDIN), Tuesday, called for full…